Tuesday 24 November 2015

10 Foto yang janggal


1. Dinding tidak ‘menyatu’ dengan langit-langit

Walls that don't quite join up with ceilings.

2. Lampu yang ‘salah’!

Lights that are wrong. Just wrong.

3. Yakin mau pakai tisu toilet ini?

When the thing that was meant to dry your wet hands completely fell apart because it was touched by your wet hands.

4. Roti yang aneh

Pieces of bread that don't give a damn about your butter.

5. Ini donat atau roti biasa?

Bagels that have suffered a terrible violation.

6. Ada yang janggal?

This one switch.

7. Jawaban yang dihapus

Erasers that had one job.

8. Cincin binder terputus

Binder rings that had one job.

9. Hapus keringat dengan ini

This feeling on your wrist like wet little kisses from the devil himself.

10. Pola yang sedikit salah

This abomination of a pattern.

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